The Ipswich Society was founded in 1960. With over a thousand members we care about the appearance, character and well-being of the town, its past, its present and its future. We encourage conservation of the town's buildings and environs while welcoming well-planned, sensitive developments.
We have a wealth of heritage buildings and street scenes to celebrate, but we also focus on sustainability and have monitors of the Borough Council planning and of the county’s development of our town and its close surroundings. We count for something in the town, relying on our members for our stature in Ipswich and for our funding: no advertising, no sponsorship.
The Society publishes a quarterly newsletter, holds winter talks, we organise summer outings and put up Blue Plaques to worthy Ipswichians. The important events of the year are: the April AGM where the year’s activities are celebrated; the Awards Evening in November when building and development projects are honoured and we organise the annual September Heritage Open Days in the town.
The Society has a huge presence on FaceBook and a vast Image Archive of rare brilliance.
Ipswich is a town of great historical interest and variety. We are keen to see that the town's rich heritage of manufacturing, seafaring and culture is more widely appreciated.