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Our events generally fall into one of these categories, but take a look at our upcoming events for specific details:​​

Winter Illustrated Talks

During the winter months about six talks are given by a variety of speakers on topics of interest to members. Our talks are free and open to all and take place at the Museum Street Methodist Church which is equipped with comfortable seating and modern audio/visual facilities.Free tea/coffee and biscuits are served after the talks with a chance for members and guests to socialise.​​

Heritage Open Days 


We organise these in Ipswich and District. Thirty plus premises, not usually open to the public, are opened free of charge each year during a weekend in September. See our Heritage Open Days page for more details.​​​

Annual General Meeting​

This is usually held in April each year and features a guest speaker.​​

The Ipswich Society Annual Awards Evening​


This is held in November and attended by the Mayor of Ipswich. See our Awards page for more details.​​​

Summer Outings


One-day (and occasionally longer) visits are made to places of interest related to the Society's objectives to promote the study of civic design,to stimulate public consciousness and appreciation of the beauty, history and character of Ipswich and its surroundings, to encourage the preservation, development and improvement of the features which go to make pleasing and convenient conditions in which to live and work, to pursue these ends by such means as meetings, lectures, study groups, exhibitions and publications.

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